Collaboration – "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts" - when we collaborate!
At the start of the Lockdown our local Toastmasters Club cancelled ‘in-person‘ meetings straight away. While this was the right thing to do, people also had a fear around the isolation...especially for older members. But after some helpful phone calls, effort and honesty we were up and running with the first Zoom meeting within days...young, old, techies, non-techies, all.
So what were the key elements:
Very little ego...everyone involved but nobody was ‘calling the shots’
A common purpose...“let’s get the virtual meetings going...somehow”
People revealing their strengths...“I can do that”
People being trusted to play their part
Safety and was okay to say “I haven’t a clue”
And technology, of course!
Another stand-out was not to make assumptions about what people are or aren’t capable of...just ask instead.
In many cases fear and anxiety can drive us to collaborate...but maybe it’s time to really make this choice earlier, and consciously.
Make the possible...probable. Collaborate!